Because Derek is quite the dare devil I often find him crying with some sort of injury. When we first got to Texas I did the perfect parenting thing. I would stay outside for hours supervising as my kids rode their bikes and played with the neighbor kids. I would water plants, wave at people walking their dogs or pull weeds. After they went outside for I don't know like the 100th day in a row I said this is for the birds and decided to hang out inside. I opened the blinds to the front window so I could look out on them but still do what I needed to do inside.(facebook)
I was cooking dinner yesterday and I peaked out the window and saw Derek covered in red. I went weak in the knees, my throat restricted, I wanted to throw up at the amount of (what I thought was) blood I saw. I fell to the ground and screamed as loud and strong as I could. Then I ran out to Derek and swooped him up in my arms. I rushed him inside chanting "Dear Lord give me strength" as I gritted my teeth and flexed my biceps. When we got inside it hit me that he was only crying cause I took him away from all the fun he was having. I don't know if he colored on himself with marker or a neighbor kid did (or why there were markers outside in the first place) but I spent the evening with a raspy horse voice and the WORST headache from screaming so loud. I hope this kid realizes what he does to me. I learned an important lesson though. Next time I will skip the hysterics before I go out to him. It felt like I had a hang over the next day.