The girls were invited to wear their costumes at dance class today. It was fun for them cause the teachers played all spooky music and let them turn the lights out and play with glow sticks. They are having way more fun then I did as a child. I was always filthy running around my neighborhood drinking water out of the gutters when I got thirsty at this age during the day.
Addie choose to be a Barbie witch this year. Yes there is such a thing as a Barbie witch. They are the kind that dont eat children and add sparkles and heart shaped things to their pink brew.
Olivia is a blond haired, blue eyed, caucasian Mini Mouse. I worked with what I had. Their dad came to watch them and took them out to lunch (at sonic). They felt special and were very happy about the whole thing. I will now spend the next hour getting grease stains out of their costumes for the next event. wish me luck.
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