Thursday, June 25, 2009

Enjoy !

I know my friends wanted to see our diggs and since I am bored I thought I would post some pictures. I remember when Andrew and I first met I thought a $5,000.00 piece of art work should be a staple in every home. He looked at me like he might have me turned into the loony bin. So we have had a few fights and the compromise is Target. At least until he makes partner and then hopefully it will be pottery barn. (knock on wood) I don't think it looks great I still have some (cheap) art work to buy and a few more projects in the making but I know most of my peeps want to visit and I thought I would save you the air fare. Addie and Olivia's rooms are not ready for pics yet. But I will post later with those. I refuse to paint this time. For one the ceilings are much higher so it would be crazy. But I think every first time home owner gets the buzz for painting and then they do it and it sucks and so they never want to paint again. I didnt like the color in the front room of my old house but never changed it cause painting sucks! If your bored and have nothing better to do than by all means scroll down and enjoy. I checked and home and garden television turned me down for a one hour special tour of our mansion. But never fear I have the exclusive pictures right here.


Tricia Lee Riggio said...

looks good girl!

Heidi said...

glad you are all settled in. good work!

Stephanie said...

You've always had such good taste. Good job! Glad you are putting yourself to good use in Texas!