Thursday, February 21, 2013

My JOb

I normally never post about my personal stuff on here. By why not? This last weekend I certified in another format to teach at the gym. Its called GRIT. Its like insanity but allot harder....ALLOT HARDER! Its an amazing workout! I was so worried about the training. I have certified in Les Mills Body Pump and Cx Worx, and both of those trainings were pretty hard. NOt only do you have to understand what each exercise is doing for your body and why we do it, but you have to pass a physical fitness test. If you don't they just keep your money and you go home. In Cx training we had to hold a Hoover on our toes for 5 min. Most people can only hold one for 30 sec. A very fit person might be able to go for one min to two min but 5 is insane. It was much much harder than child birth TRUST. If you have ever done an insanity workout you know its hard. Some people throw up and even very physically fit people are spent. Well we did five of those workouts in one day for two days back to back on top of other tests for our form and technique etc. I am happy to say that I passed. I still have to submit a video of myself teaching. Les Mills is a company based out of New Zealand they are the best in world right now. They hold the bar pretty high and I am so happy to say I have been able to teach their formats. I work at 24 Hour Fitness and Gold Gym. My average week consists of 18-20 hours of exercise. I love love love my job and love knowing that on any given day I could utterly destroy half the bitches that talk shit behind my back in any event (running,cycle,you name it). I'm not a good at everything. I still can't wait to go back to school and get a degree and I have other areas in life that need work. But I am not ashamed to admit that when I line up to go toe to toe with any body physically I know I am going to kick ass. I can say that cause I work real hard at what I do and that's why I do it well. A preview of GRIT.

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