Her dad will bawl his eyes out at her wedding. Addie’s will be large and expensive cause it will be a celebration for me as well.
I love that Olivia is determined and will knock you out cold if you cross her. I just have no idea how to make sense of her cause I am allot like Addie a girly girl that loves jewlery, hair and makeup. We will see. For now she is WEIRD.
If you would like to make donations toward my casket or headstone e-mail and I will send a link to my bank account.
Hey crazy mama, what does your headstone and casket have to do with Olivia? I was with you all the way up to that part. We missed you today at the chocolate factory.
Her uncle Jed loves her just the way she is too. She's as much fun to wrestle with as Dallin. I miss her buttpies.
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